The Case for the AR-15 w/ Constitutional Law Scholar and Attorney Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., J.D., Author: America’s Rifle (TRP Episode 142)
The author of the most thorough, clear, interesting and persuasive academic textbook on Constitutional Law of the Second Amendment is today’s guest. That book is “America’s Rifle: The Case for the AR-15” and the scholar’s name is Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., J.D.
Get it today and buy a copy for a friend or family member. Share this book, and read it carefully yourself — you will not regret it for a second.
Guest co-hosting this episode today is Instagram’s @highcalibernc , Heather Allen, a firearms educator and concealed carry instructor, and candidate for city council in North Carolina.
For a brief review of the book and a link to buy it, see TRP Substack’s write up at
The Republican Professor is a pro-rightly-contemplating-the-Constitution, pro-correct-understanding-of-the-Second-Amendment, pro-taking-productive-action-to-defend-liberty podcast.
Therefore, welcome Constitutional legal scholar and attorney Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., J.D. & conceal carry instructor @highcalibernc, Heather Allen of North Carolina.
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Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.
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