Episode 25 — Nietzsche v. Jesus: Dr. Greg Ganssle, Ph.D., former Yale Prof

How does the life-vision of Nietzsche compare and contrast to the life-vision of Jesus of Nazareth? Join us as Dr. Greg Ganssle, Ph.D., a former veteran instructor at Yale University’s Philosophy Department, introduces us to that topic.

Along the way, we find out more about Greg’s other books, the courses he’s taught, where he teaches now, and a bit about serving regularly for years in a homeless ministry for the local church.

Greg is also co-founder and Board member of the Rivendell Institute at Yale University.

There are additionally a few anecdotes Dr. Ganssle shares from his professors Peter van Inwagen and William P. Alston.

Greg’s first book is Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy, available on Mississippi, the Arkansas, the Ganges, or whatever other river you normal buy books on, e.g., here : https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-About…

Ganssle’s latest book is Our Deepest Desire: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspiration, available on the Nile here : https://www.amazon.com/Our-Deepest-De…

The Republican Professor is a pro-understanding-the-difference-between-Nietzsche-and-Jesus podcast.

Welcome, Dr. Greg Ganssle !