Episode 8 — How to be a Second Amendment Activist: Special Guest Michael Schwartz, Founder of SDCGO

Here’s a compelling story of how an average, normal, everyday citizen quit his secure, well-paying day job as a banker to defend civil rights.

Meet Michael Schwartz of San Diego, California. He went from banker to civil rights advocate, starting a local Second Amendment organization that went from zero to 3,000 members dedicated to vigilance in defense of the Constitution. He did this all on his own time while working a 7am-7 pm job, eventually quitting his job without a safety net to start the organization from the ground up to replace some of his lost income.

Michael went from working an average, normal everyday office job to an amazingly fruitful local and county-wide political advocacy laser focused on one issue: the right to self defense. To do this we need full-time employees working all week every week to curtail dangerous incursions on our civil liberties. We are excited to interview the Founder of the incredibly effective San Diego County Gun Owners, Michael Schwartz, banker turned local activist.

Mr. Schwartz shares his heartwarming personal story of a pretty scary experience of nearly being arrested by federal law enforcement for normal, lawful conduct. That experience and others led him into the long journey of learning how to become an effective activist for neglected natural and Constitutional rights.

Michael shares his frank disappointment with the Republican Party that led him to realize: no party is coming to save the Constitution in California. It’s up to us at the grass-roots level. We (you and me, everyday people) have to do it. He shares powerful advice on what works and what doesn’t based on years of tough experience.

No politician is persuaded by a meme you share on social media or by a rude, snarky comment. Sharing memes isn’t activism, according to Schwartz. Key-board warriors are many but the workers of the civil liberties vineyard are few. We need more of that latter, and that starts with giving people agency. “Agency” means that everyday people can do something effective, it’s within their power, their personal agency to make a difference in real life, in the offices of power. Michael Schwartz himself is the best evidence there is of that principle in the entire State of California, as far as we can tell so far.

You can listen to Michael every Sunday at Gun Owners Radio. You can find more information at https://www.gunownersradio.com/

You can join the non-partisan, single-issue organization he founded for as little as 10 dollars a month–a half a cup of coffee nowadays at certain places–and every cent goes to the full-time, effective effort at turning away harm and watering the fragile plants of renewal and growth in our self-defense civil liberties. Check out and join https://sandiegocountygunowners.com/

You can also find and follow or Like the San Diego County Gun Owners Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SDCGO

There are also sister organizations that have grown up , inspired by the model Michael shared here, in Orange County and the Inland Empire. They have Facebook pages and websites as well with the same logo.

And specifically for women (or for anyone who wants to help fund effective efforts at preventing sexual assault and victimization), also check out #notmeSD which has helped every woman who has inquired to find resources for safe firearm safety training (done by women for women), for confidently and securely obtaining a firearm for effective, lawful self-defense which as of this date numbers over 500 women in San Diego County alone (not even including the rest of Southern California). You can find more information here : https://sandiegocountygunowners.com/notmesd/