Episode 27 — How to Articulate & Defend the Trinity with Special Guest Dr. Sanjay Merchant, Ph.D.
Dr. Sanjay Merchant joins us from Chicago today. His expertise is the logic and historical, theological data for the Trinity.
Ever thought that the Trinity was puzzling or incoherent? How does it stack up with rival conceptions of God, for instance, from Islam and Judaism? Dr. Sanjay Merchant, Ph.D., suggests the oldest monotheistic tradition, which he calls Biblical Christianity, is Trinitarian in its theology. That is to say: there is only one God, who is maximally great, and part of maximal greatness is being in loving relationship, not contingently or merely temporally, but eternally, and this analytic point supports the Biblical data underlying the Trinity.
This conversation is not scripted. It’s a real conversation that also touches upon aspects of American Politics.
The Republican Professor is a pro-understanding-theology and pro-understanding-how-theology-relates-to-American Politics podcast.
Welcome Dr. Sanjay Merchant !