Racism & Relativism in Lost Angeles

[Yes, This Really Happened].
Professor: Is the Confederate flag racist?
Students: yah
Professor: Follow up question: Is it a fact that racism is wrong?
Students: No
Professor: Do you guys lean more Democrat or Republican?
Students: Definitely more Democrat.
Professor: Shocker. Where’s my glycerin tablets.
— after a moment —
[Homely student raises her hand]
Professor: You–you who raised your hand. What did you want to say?
Lone homely Student: It’s true that racism is wrong.
Professor: You think it’s true that racism is wrong ?
Lone homely Student: Yah
Professor: did you go to public school?
Lone homely student: I was home-schooled up to the 9th grade.
Professor: Democr—[cut off]–
Lone homely Student: Definitely hardcore Republican. You don’t even know. My dad has an AR-15.
[Yes, this is a real story in Lost Angeles. Saw it with my own eyes, heard it with mine own ears].
Copyright Lucas J. Mather, 2015
All Rights Reserved
Originally Posted to Facebook Sunday 12 July 2015 at 1:24, 1:28 pm