Professor, I Have a Compliment for You

Ooh, I love compliments, by Lucas J. Mather
Professor, I have a compliment for you !
Ooh, I love compliments. Thank you so much.
I haven’t given it to you yet.
Oh, well, spare no time.
I just, like, think that you’re like, really, like clear and stuff. I was able to understand you like so much. Thank you .
You’re welcome.
But I just have a follow up question.
When you teach Logic, do you cover fallacies–
–Cover? With a blanket?
–huh? No, like, hahaha, no, do you–
Are we tucking these fallacies in at night ?
Reading them stories before bed?
–hahaha, no like, okay.
They’re just fallacies, remember.
When you talk about fallacies, do you cover I mean do you lecture on “straw man” and those like every single time you teach Logic?
When you say every single time, you mean, each time I taught them that I was single? Cuz I only started teaching when I was married.
Huh? Wait, hahaha, oh. Wait. Like.
There were no single times that I taught logic–all of them were married times for me.
Oh, no I meant…
I mean even if girlfriends don’t count–and they don’t, let’s face it–I was never single as I taught. I’ve been teaching for 15 years or so but married for 21 years.
Yeah, so every married time I taught Logic (there were no single times) I lectured on fallacies at some point in the semester, even in Symbolic Logic, even though that wasn’t strictly speaking part of the curriculum. I thought it was too important to leave out for these kids, cuz let’s face it, they ain’t getting this stuff from their Democrat curriculum.
Yeah that’s what I was wondering about. Thank you!
You bet.
Copyright Lucas J. Mather, 2018
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Originally posted to Facebook Tuesday 17 July 2018 at 12:45 pm