Check out the Podcast “Informed Dissent,” with Drs. Barke (Jeff) and McDonald (Mark), M.D.s

Y’all, check out the Podcast “Informed Dissent” with Dr. Jeff Barke, M.D., and Dr. Mark McDonald, M.D.
Jeff is a Board certified physician in California and Mark is a Board certified psychiatrist in California.
I’ve started at the very beginning, as far back as I can go on Apple Podcasts, at the very beginning (of what’s available, anyway), which is the summer of 2021. Folks, this stuff is excellent.
Moving forward, this kind of record of what happened in 2020 and going forward in the field of Public Health and politics will become only more valuable as we try to keep our memories intact, our policies sharpened for the future.
Here’s a link to the first episode that I can see on Apple Podcasts :
Luke, for Trp